Submissions are currently OPEN for work to be published exclusively online at Epiphany. Everyone who submits work for online publication will receive a complimentary digital subscription to Epiphany, available as a link in our initial submission response email. 

We hope that when you read Epiphany, you'll get a sense of the great variety of stories, poems, essays, and genre-bending work that we like, and the recurring themes to which we keep returning. We hope that you'll enjoy and connect with the work of your fellow writers, and that you'll feel you're a valued part of our community, rather than just another lonely writer sending your beloved work out into some unsympathetic void.  We hope you'll see what makes us different. We hope you'll feel you have a stake in our endeavor.


Submissions are currently CLOSED for the print issue, for the Fresh Voices Fellowship, and for the Breakout! Prize. Digital subscriptions are available here, which includes access to the current issue. The digital issue is available as .epub, .mobi, and .pdf.

Join our mailing list to keep updated on submission period news. 


GENERAL SPRING / SUMMER SUBMISSIONS will be open from November 1st through December 15th, 2024.



1. Submit one story at a time.

2. Format in 12-pt font, double-spaced.

3. Should your submitted story be accepted elsewhere, promptly withdraw it through Submittable.

4. We only consider previously unpublished work (online or in print).

5. Please include your name, title, and word count on the first page of the submitted file.

6. Novel chapters / excerpts are also welcome.

7. Include a short bio with your cover letter.

8. Fiction contributors will receive a payment of $175, and two copies of the journal.**

**Discounted 1-year subscriptions ($23) are available upon submission, as an add-on item at the payment stage. 

We aim to respond to submissions within three to four months. Please be  patient: we give thoughtful and thorough consideration to each  submission. We look forward to receiving your work.

During this submissions period, we are offering everyone who sends us work a free digital subscription to Epiphany. If you submit work to us, the code for a free digital subscription will be included in our initial response letter.


GENERAL SPRING / SUMMER SUBMISSIONS will be open from November 1st through December 15th, 2024.


1. Submit one story or essay at a time.

2. Format in 12-pt font, double-spaced.

3. Should your submitted piece be accepted elsewhere, promptly withdraw it through Submittable.

4. We only consider previously unpublished work (online or in print).

5. Please include your name, title, and word count on the first page of the submitted file.

6. Novel chapters / excerpts are also welcome.

7. Translations require rights permission from the original writer.

8. Include a short bio with your cover letter.

9. Translators and original writers will receive a payment of $175 each, and two copies of the journal.**


1. Submit up to 5 poems at a time.

2. Preferred formatting is a standard 12-pt font, but experimental forms are welcome. 

3. Should one of your submitted poems be accepted elsewhere, pleased promptly send us a message through Submittable.

4. We only consider previously unpublished work (online or in print).

5. Start each poem on a new page, and include titles.

6. Translations require rights permission from the original writer.

7. Include a short bio with your cover letter.

8. Translators and original writers will receive a payment of $75 each per poem, and two copies of the journal.**

**Discounted 1-year subscriptions ($23) are available upon submission, as an add-on item at the payment stage. 


We aim to respond to submissions within three to four months. Please be  patient: we give thoughtful and thorough consideration to each  submission. We look forward to receiving your work.


During this submissions period, we are offering everyone who sends us work a free digital subscription to Epiphany. If you submit work to us, the code for a free digital subscription will be included in our initial response letter.


GENERAL SPRING / SUMMER SUBMISSIONS will be open from November 1st through December 15th, 2024.




1. Submit one essay at a time.

2. Format in 12-pt font, double-spaced.

3. Should your submitted essay be accepted elsewhere, promptly withdraw it through Submittable.

4. We only consider previously unpublished work (online or in print).

5. Please include your name, title, and word count on the first page of the submitted file.

6. Novel chapters / excerpts are also welcome.

7. Include a short bio with your cover letter.

8. Nonfiction contributors will receive a payment of $175, and two copies of the journal.**

**Discounted 1-year subscriptions ($23) are available upon submission, as an add-on item at the payment stage. 


We aim to respond to submissions within three to four months. Please be  patient: we give thoughtful and thorough consideration to each  submission. We look forward to receiving your work.


During this submissions period, we are offering everyone who sends us work a free digital subscription to Epiphany. If you submit work to us, the code for a free digital subscription will be included in our initial response letter.


GENERAL SPRING / SUMMER SUBMISSIONS will be open from November 1st through December 15th, 2024.




1. Submit up to 5 poems at a time.

2. Preferred formatting is a standard 12-pt font, but experimental forms are welcome. 

3. Should one of your submitted poems be accepted elsewhere, pleased promptly send us a message through Submittable.

4. We only consider previously unpublished work (online or in print).

5. Start each poem on a new page, and include titles.

6. Include a short bio with your cover letter.

7. Poetry contributors will receive a payment of $75 per poem, and two copies of the journal.**

**Discounted 1-year subscriptions ($23) are available upon submission, as an add-on item at the payment stage. 


We aim to respond to submissions within three to four months. Please be  patient: we give thoughtful and thorough consideration to each  submission. We look forward to receiving your work.


During this submissions period, we are offering everyone who sends us work a free digital subscription to Epiphany. If you submit work to us, the code for a free digital subscription will be included in our initial response letter.


GENERAL SPRING / SUMMER SUBMISSIONS will be open from November 1st through December 15th, 2024.

Please submit your photography or artwork to be considered for an Epiphany issue cover, or as art for inside the magazine. Submit up to five images at a time.

The cover will be printed in full-color with the magazine’s logo in overprint, and will be reproduced on the magazine’s website and electronic publications.

If your work is selected for use on our cover, we will ask you to grant us a one-time use of your image. You will also need to provide a high-resolution scan of the artwork (300 dpi), at the inch dimensions of our issue, for print-quality reproduction.

In the cover letter, feel free to provide any information about your artwork that we should know. Low-res images are acceptable for submissions, as long as high-res images can be provided when necessary. Please also specify if you are submitting art intended for inside the magazine or for the cover. Compensation offered for licensing this art is $200+ for art inside the issue and $300 for a cover.

**Discounted 1-year subscriptions ($23) are available upon submission, as an add-on item at the payment stage. 


We aim to respond to submissions within three to four months. Please be  patient: we give thoughtful and thorough consideration to each  submission. We look forward to receiving your work.


During this submissions period, we are offering everyone who sends us work a free digital subscription to Epiphany. If you submit work to us, the code for a free digital subscription will be included in our initial response letter.


A yearly subscription consists of one spring/summer issue and one fall/winter writing contest issue.

For addresses outside the US, please email us at to subscribe.

Epiphany a Literary Journal